Saturday, July 24, 2010

good morning!

peeking out
This morning I went outside to snip off the faded blooms from my patch of daisies
early enough that it wasn't yet too hot & humid.  It must've rained in the wee hours because everything was dripping wet.  Tidying up like this gave me a special gift - the chance to notice the tiny new daisies, just opening up and stretching toward the sun.  The colors are so pure!  The whitest whites, better than a brand new t-shirt, and the yellow so-yellow it looks like wet paint!  I called my boys over to take a look, and my youngest noticed the small petal just forming, as if it was a bit late to the game.  This is one of the things I love best about the slow pace of summer vacation, not only having the time to notice a beautiful, simple thing like a new daisy, but also having the time to share it with my boys.   

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Because these are particularly important to me, the arts and nature, and these are the areas that I find lacking in my kids' public schools.  And since my mom always told me "put your money where your mouth is" which, in addition to its traditional "be-careful-when-you-brag" advice, also means (at least in my house) that you better not complain about something unless you're willing to do your part to make it better.  So, here's me, doing my part.